Friday, 31 October 2008
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Zombie Davina, a quick tribute

Monday, 27 October 2008
Am I being unreasonable?
"There wasn't anybody to serve me!" she says crossly, having been waiting all of 10 seconds.
"I'm sorry," I say, "I'm on my own today. How can I help?"
"Can you tell me where Brookford Road is? "
"I'm afraid not, I don't live round here. Maybe if you ask in the café next door?"
"Don't you have an A to Z?"
"Yes, downstairs in the travel section."
"I don't do stairs." she says crossly, glares at me, heaves a heavy wounded sigh at my unhelpfulness, and leaves before I have a chance to say anything (or even offer to fetch her an A to Z she won't be buying, just cracking the spine and leaving).
Now IS IT JUST ME or is that fairly unreasonable behaviour? We're a bookshop, not a tourist bureau - and while I sort of understand what makes people think that libraries are a place where, to paraphrase Robert Frost, when you go there they have to take you in (untrue and unfair though that is to libraries), where's the logic with bookshops? Is it a backhanded compliment ("You're a temple of intellect and information, so your priorities can't be anything so vulgar as making money")? Or what?? And even if she hoped that I (the person, not the bookseller) might personally know where Brookford Road was, why get grumpy with me for not knowing?
Sorry, not enough coffee.
Monday, 20 October 2008
d) I was interviewed on Radio 4 a while back about the preponderence of parody books (Bored Of The Rings, The Va Dinci Cod, Barry Trotter et al) in the run-up to Christmas. While I had a fabulous speech all prepared about parody being one of the oldest forms of humour, it was reduced to about 45 seconds in total (including "candid" background noise of me at the till) on air. I got my name read out though! Have also accidentally been interviewed on TV twice but have already covered that...
e) When I was 7 I invented knitting. No lie. Casting on, and everything. My grandmother had to kindly explain to me that it had been around since the egyptians. I still invented it, though...
f) I have double-jointed fingers and can bend them back like a Thai dancer. While this was great when I was at school, making me top pick in certain rarefied gym activities (I can balance a netball on the back of my hand like nobody else), apparently it means I'll have terrible arthritis later in life. Never a silver lining without a cloud, eh? Also means I have to be careful when gesturing, as there's a fine line that separates graceful Pavlova hands from weird bendy E.T. hands... see bottom right.

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write six random things about yourself
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Just a quick one.

Saturday, 11 October 2008
Spread the payments or share the love?