It's Sunday and I'm still in pyjamas. I have stolen a meme from Rol because I'm a lazy sod but also because it appealed to my twin life-skills of "Doing things that don't require leaving the sofa" and "Minimal research that only requires going as far as the CD rack". My great love for Elvis Costello factored in as well...
Pick an artist, and using ONLY SONG TITLES from only that artist, answer these questions.
1. Are you a male or female: "Shabby Doll"
2. Describe yourself: "Indoor Fireworks"
3. How do you feel about yourself: "Brilliant Mistake"
4. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriends: "I Hope You're Happy Now", "Two Little Hitlers", "Goon Squad", "Boy With A Problem", and "I'm Not Angry", depending on who we're describing.
5. Describe your current boy/girl situation: "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love & Understanding?" , also "Long Honeymoon"
6. Describe your current location: "Welcome To The Working Week"
7. Describe where you want to be: "Payday"
8. Your best friend(s) is/are: "The Loved Ones", "Miracle Man", "Sulky Girl", "Veronica", "Poisoned Rose", "New Lace Sleeves", "Our Little Angel", "You Little Fool", "Leave My Kitten Alone", and "King Of Confidence".
9. Your favourite colour is: "Blood And Chocolate" and "Almost Blue"
10. You know that: "Accidents Will Happen"
12. If your life was a television show what would it be called: "Every Day I Write The Book"
13. What is life to you: "Mystery Dance"
14. What is the best advice you have to give: "Imagination (Is A Powerful Deceiver)"
Hurrah! Quite enjoyed that. Go forth and run with it.
Spiffy uniform fetish! No, one French and very very right wing (I found out belatedly), one English, ditto. Consecutive, not simultaneous!
Do hope you recommended them to each other... thus saving 2 more gals from their right wing rubbish!
Did you bother getting dressed or just loll with those Sunday papers that I miss so much?
Steve - not a bad thought - if I was still on speaking terms with either of them I might suggest it, although homophobia another of their many charms.
FF - Still in pyjamas at suppertime! In my defence we got up, went out, went to cinema, went shopping, etc, yesterday, so allowing myself COMPLETE SLACKDOM today. Mr F got papers and for some peculiar reason got Sunday Telegraph instead of Sunday Times. Remembered Observer for me, so I'm happy. Hot cross buns, giant mugs of tea, Stella Gibbons. Hurrah.
Excellent. Had I continued, EC would have been another of my options - though I doubt my choices would have been as good as yours.
Thanks Rol! Find it unlikely you would have described yourself as "Shabby Doll" but "Man Out Of Time" a distinct possibility. Really enjoyed that one. May do Pretenders next!
Did something similar on Facebook using Monkees songs!
Anyway, I went to school with EC's former sister in law. Her and two other friends were on one of his single covers. We would sometimes see him shopping in Richmond with his son, but that was many many moons ago!
Monkees a very good idea too! There used to be a guy in Chiswick who was the spit of EC (and had similar gloomy deadpan humour) but wasn't him, tragically. Doesn't EC live in USA now with many angry comments about how crap the UK is? Shame, as I liked him...!
It's interesting what you say about the new Byatt. I loved Possession and don't think it could be bettered.
Hello FF! Yes, I liked it, because let's face it she's never going to write a BAD book, but it's sort of on a par with "The Biographer's Tale" rather than her earlier stuff. Shame really as "Possession" and "The Conjugial Angel" prove she's capable of better. Still good though, and she does her usual gorgeously colourful descriptive stuff about Pre-Raphs, Art Nouveau, William Morris etc.
"Brilliant mistake". Interesting. Are you one or do you make them? More detail required svp.
Both! My life seems to consist of snap decisions made on the basis of Because It's Easy (ie my degree, my first flat, my first job) which turn out fine in the end. I'm crossing my fingers even as I type (tres difficile) because I know that's tempting fate.
Oh, good answers. Will your friends recognise themselves, I wonder?
Hopefully they'll all assume the nice names are them, and ignore the less flattering ones... Although "New Lace Sleeves" is definitely my friend Mantua Maker (who reads the comments!)
There is a special blogging prize thing going on where you nominate yr five favourite blogs, and you are one of mine. Hurrah! There are rules, so go here for details - http://taniakindersley.blogspot.com/2009/04/i-would-like-to-thank-academy.html
Thank you so much! On my way. x
Now you've got me humming Beyond Belief too! x
"All the laddies cat-call and wolf-whistle, so-called gentlemen and ladies dogfight like rose and thistle.." Will inoculate mind with harmless and infantile pop before heading to Shopping Centre Of Doom, as otherwise may be arrested for Taste In Music.
Just to add my congratulations on your well-deserved award! Your posts are a joy to read - always something thought-provoking to discover.
Looking forward to more of the same,
Thank you, Nora! Now I will panic that my next post will be totally substandard...
A substandard post? Perish the thought- an absolutely physical impossibility!
btw as an esteemed bibliophile, I was wondering if you've ever come across Friedrich Holderlin - I didn't spot him in your favourite books list, but then it's possible I may have missed him in the roll call...!
I only mention this since I was COMPELLED to read his major stuff as a set text at uni(refer to it in current post) and was totally put off. Now though, with the advantage of hindsight, am starting to have a rethink. Or maybe just another symptom of advancing old age...?
In any event, I'd really welcome your thoughts!
Oh Nora the joy of blogging (part 1) - being recommended books/authors I've never read. I did French so know little if anything about German poets - my stepdad, on the other hand, has spent his life in academic pursuit of Kloppstock (qv)so while I know all the names, I'm a total blank as to the content. Will remedy this immediately.
Wrong Elvis for me but good choices. The other Elvis would of course give an even wider range from which to choose.
Now The Pretenders I do like - I just LOVE Chrissie - so very sexy. Not that that is what this is about. But the song titles are quite good too.
Not sure I am in the mood to do a meme though.
Grazie! I took your idea, but not Elvis Costello.
Thanks! I enjoyed this so much I've stolen it for my Zen Mischief weblog.
You okay fishie?
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